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I'm just a small town Alaskan Girl who grew up on the beach in Yakutat with strong ties to the sea and the gifts received from it. 

All of my jewelry is handcrafted in my home made with 100% love. I believe that these gifts from the sea (and every other gift given) holds the same properties as crystals and absorb the energies of those handling.

Which is why they are handled with love, care, positive vibes and well wishes. 

How "With Love" got started;

It all started with beach glass and bobby pins, I was cleaning my parents house of beach finds that had been collected the the beach in front of my childhood home since I was a baby. This is a multi-generational collection, since my childhood, now to my child's childhood. Hours upon hours spent playing and collecting on this beach. 

I decided to finally do something with this enormous collection of mostly sea-glass, making hair clips and then earrings as gifts for friends and family before selling them at local craft fairs. 

I love that you all love my finds as much as I do. Making this online store possible. 

Each piece of jewelry will never be replicated as each piece found is as unique as you and me. Happy shopping.

With love, 

Martha Mallott

With Love, 

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